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one question related to simulation is that when i do semantic check it does not show any error however, while running simuation there is an error related to rules. Please tell me that is there any macro/report taht can tell/highlight the rules that have been opened but not closed out.




by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 08:46

There could be many things going wrong here. You should post the concrete rule problem reported while running the simulation. At the moment, it is hard to guess what is going wrong in your case.

by Ajay Iyer Author
Posted on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 09:41

Thanks Sebastian, Actually while running simulation, at one juncture or rule closure the volume does not flow further and piled up there only. I am unable to find the reason. Also wanted to know in simulation are we required to close every rule which was opened? One more question is that Can what is the best way to assign resources shift wise?



Ajay Iyer


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