Hi everybody

Here is my question:

I've bought a nice book called "Integrierte Prozessmodellierung mit ARIS" written by Frank R. Lehmann. The book contains some rules for modeling Business-Processes. One of the Connector Rules (K2) says that you can only connect either Evnets or Activities with each other. So you can't connect an Event with en Activity.


I've seen the Tutorial for Business-Process-Modelling and they do connect them!

Can somebody please tell what is right and what is wrong? :-)

by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Thu, 05/19/2011 - 20:11

The tutorial and many of the sample models do not necessarily follow all of the rules of good modeling.

If you are following the strict rules of the EPC methodolgy then you should always have a Event-Activity-Event pattern in your models. Also, Events and Activities should not have more than incoming and one outgoing flow. Rules (And, Or, XOR) can have more than one incoming or outgoing flow. That said, there a lot of folks that do not follow all of the rules for EPC modeling. A lot depends on your purpose for modeling.



by Tim Metz Author
Posted on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 08:08

All right thank you Rick...

So i guess i just have to find my own way...


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