Profile picture for user Nique


In Aris, I have some text in the AT_DESC-Attribute and it looks like this:

When I look at the Publisher, it will be rendered like this:

As you can see, there is no linebreak. How can this be solved?




by Ellen Kahler
Posted on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 19:41

Add a CRLF using a Concatenate

by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 20:14

Hi Dominik,

usually the Business Publisher "default" layout supports HTML formatted attributes. This setting could be done in "layout.cfg.xml".

When the attribute is formatted in ARIS database, the layout in Business Publisher shows this HTML formatted value in the attribute information frame. I tested it, and it works....


layout..cfg.xml (default setting: "htmlOutput="Y"):

In ARIS Architect attribute view:

In ARIS Business Publlisher attribute view:




by Dominik Jenzer Author
Posted on Tue, 06/26/2012 - 08:13


It worked.

I'm allways in trouble with all the settings there, but with this hint I got it as desired.

Thank you



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