/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scripting Tutorial #10 - Matrix with Enhanced Dialog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Title // Report to list all attributes from the current selected object(s) // in a Matrix // // Main new features // - Two more Dialog Options // - Dynamic Dialog Entries // - Hidden Attributes // - Dynamic Dialog Overflow // // Author // Volker Eckardt, Oracle Corporation, April 2010 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // global variables for reuse var nLocale=Context.getSelectedLanguage(); var sScriptName=Context.getScriptInfo(Constants.SCRIPT_NAME); // Environment, returns STD or BP var sEnv = Context.getEnvironment() // To force a fixed Excel file name, set to true var bUseFixedOutPutFileName = true // Font Size List var aOutputFontSizeList = [getString("ID_FONT_SIZE_SMALL"), getString("ID_FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM"), getString("ID_FONT_SIZE_LARGE")] var nOutputFontSizeOffset = 1 // ShowDefaultAttributes (creation date, creator..) var bShowDefaultAttributes = true // Highlight changed values with red var bHighlightChangedValues = true // List of standard Attributes (creation date, creator..) var nDefaultAttributesList = [Constants.AT_CREATOR,Constants.AT_LAST_CHNG_2,Constants.AT_LUSER,Constants.AT_CREAT_TIME_STMP,Constants.AT_TYPE_6] // List of Object types to show in the dialog var sObjectTypeList = new Array() /** Main Function */ function main(){ // // // // NEW IN PART #10 // Entire code has been moved into shared library // // // if no object occurrence selected, try model and objects itself var oObjOccList = checkSelectedObjOccs(); // if at least one object selected if (oObjOccList.length > 0) { // Create a list of Object Types var oObjTypeList = new Array(); for (o=0;o