I have created a query and am trying to perform normalized Excel export. Currently, Excel export does not show repeating rows for the same data. I need to have it normalized so that each all columns of each row are populated even if cell data is repeating. Example is below. Please advise if there is a way to design the query so that data is exported in normalized manner. Thank you! 



by Michael Hubbard
Posted on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 20:15

I am no expert, but I have attached a print-screen of an example of a very simple query that I have where I changed the "merge results" setting on the data field that I was outputting, and this achieved what you are looking for.

If the "merge results" is set to "Yes" then the data value will only be displayed once down the multiple rows that it occurs on whereas if you set it to "No" the data value is repeated on EVERY row.

Hope this helps.


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