Dear expert,

I want to use the external link on Dialogs. 
But, HTML tags do not work. 

Could anyone let me know how to do that?



by Daeil Gil Author
Posted on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 08:56

In reply to by André Vitor

Dear Oliveira,

I added the html as your comment. but It does not work on ARIS Connect.  
The Html tags are displayed on Dialog.

Do you know why it does not work? Is there any configuration to use the HTML?


Best regards,
Daeil Gil





by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 17:19

Hello Daeil,

I doubt that text in report dialog boxes can be rendered as html. 

Maybe you must define a dialog pushbutton (cf. Aris Script help on your server /abs/help/en/script/ba/#/home/r_O_DialogTemplate_pushbutton1/en/1) that triggers the url to call as the return value after closing the dialog.

I can't offer you a working example, but in this post is included a complete user dialog script example, apparently from ARIS 9 Script Help.

Regards, Martin


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