I wanted to ask someone a question on rules, as think in the past i have been told that you should only have the same symbols joining but looking at some examples today loaded onto this site they have mixed symbols, see picture below.

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by Robert Stowman
Posted on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 17:16

Hi Jane,

If you were to run a Semantic Check against this model, it would indeed fail at the spot you've indicated. The rule checked would be "Order at the operator must be preserved." Simply stated, this rule analyzes the objects both before and after an operator and looks for the following:

1. If there are events before the operator, there must be functions after the operator.

2. If there are functions before the operator, there must be events after the operator.

The reason this rule is important at the point where there are operators is that this is where decisions (process 'branches') are being made in the process. Events around any operator are typically termed 'non-trivial' (as opposed to single events that fall between two functions which are termed 'trivial' events).

Best Regards,


by Jane Dickinson Author
Posted on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 17:39

But in this example this is where the branches are re-joining, not branching out, so would the same rule apply

by Robert Stowman
Posted on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 17:42

Hi Jane,


Yes, the same rule applies.

Best Regards,



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