
   We currently store all of our 'In Progress' models in a single ARIS database. Many of these models are related to company business projects, depicting the As-is view of applications systems interfaces after the project is completed.  

    We are planning to use separate Quality Control Review database to approve the models after they are complete, and another 'Certified' database with our approved 'As-is' and 'To-be' models for the Enterprise.   I think this was the approach recommended by IDS Scheer.

     Our 'In Progress' Folder structure is oriented to Functional Areas and projects, with different time slices for phased implementations.   But for the QC and Certified Databases, we were planning to organized the Groups not by Project but by Enterprise As-Is and Enterprise To-Be Group Folders. 

    In looking at the Merge capability to migrate Models and Objects to another database, we see there are some implications to the Group Folder structure.    Are there any problems in using different Group Folder Hierarchy structures in the 'In Progress' database and the QC and Certified databases ?

    Thanks very much for any insights from the community !





by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Thu, 04/21/2011 - 19:05

The merge functionality does require the same group structure in the Source and Target databases. If they are not the same, Merge will create the Source group structure in the Target database and create and/or move models into it. Once merge is completed, you could then move the models into the new group structure in the target.


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