

So a dumb first question from a new user, long time architect short time Aris user.


I'm in the process of getting IT set me up with Aris access and of course they have some questions. One of which is, what platform or platforms do I want access to? It seems I can't just get access to all.


I know I need access to Business Architect as I will be modeling processes in both BPMN and EPC, but in addition to those I will be data modeling and system modeling. I can't find the idiot's guide matrix that links model type and Aris platform and so I'm asking the community to help.

(On a side note I have downloaded ARIS Express to begin working in, but IT have told that'll get deleted as it's out of compliance)





by Robert Stowman
Posted on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 21:01

Hi Marcus,


If I understand you correctly, I believe the Business Architect will give you most of what you want in that it has model types avaialble for data modeling but, regarding the "system modeling," it could be a different story. ABA comes with "Application System" and "Application System Type" diagrams which gives you a certain level of detail for modeling systems. If you're looking to do more of a "system landscape" modeling effort then perhaps you may want the ARIS IT Architect (which is a separate license key). ABA also allows modeling down to the system "program" level with model types "Program Flow Chart" and  "Program Flow Chart (PF).


Best regards,



by Roland Woldt
Posted on Sun, 04/18/2010 - 15:47

I can't provide you with that matrix, but the method manual in your installation might give you a good first impression of the available model types and their purpose. 

by Marcus Jennings Author
Posted on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 14:21

Method manual? See, when you're separtated from any installation media by a sea of IT you don't ever get to see any manuals. IT has asked me to define which platforms and filters I need access to, but I don't know Aris well enough to know which ones I need. I only know the types of models and processes I need to document. Plus I may even require access to platforms our company doesn't license and so it would be nice to be able to build a business case for additional licenses that associates my requirements with ARIS capabilties.


But thanks for the tip as I may ask IT for any manuals they may have for Aris.


by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 23:04

Most organizations have an internal group that supports ARIS. They would be a good source of information if yo have one. They are they only ones that would be able to advise on which databases and filters you should be modeling in.

As to the tool question the basic toolset is as follows:

Business Designer is for anyone doing basic modeling across a wide spectrum of models. You can ceate, modify, view and report on most of the models available in ARIS (all except the ones that are extensions in other products).

Business Architect has everything in Designer plus the ability to do things that impact the entire ARIS database like managing users, creating new reports and macros, filter management etc. Usually this is a more advanced user not someone just getting started.

IT Designer/Architect contains everything that Business Designer/ Architect have plus some added capability to model the life cycle of IT components over time. If you are managing SW or HW standards there are some very useful models, reports and macros in these tools.

Beyond that, there are add-ons for various things: modeling under various frameworks, UML modleing, Process simulation, Lean/Six Sigma . . . 

This is a very high level overview but I hope it gets you started. You might also try the IDS Scheer web site that has lots of information on the various products.  

by ben jones
Posted on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 03:29

Simply put:

Tool: Business Architect

Filter: Entire method (unless your company has their own, I know we do)

Models, for application modelling use a combination of:

  1. Program Flow (interfaces)
  2. App Sys Type (heirarchy),
  3. Access (what I like to call the "application at the centre of the universe model")

I suggest you request the "user_guide_it_architect_s.pdf" which is the best guide you will find to help decide which models/objects to use.


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