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Software AG’s ProcessForum takes this year place in Houten. Today, about 210 attendees (including 30 partners) met in Houten. After a very inspiring presentation of Ivo Totev, Chief Service Officer Software AG, ABN Amro presented their Architecture achievements of the last years. Henk Houtzager, Head of IT Strategy, Innovation & Architecture, took the audience in his journey of the integration of Fortis and ABN Amro.

It was very fascinating to hear the incredible importance of Architecture during integration. Mr. Houtzager explained that Architecture brought the necessary overview in the 80 integration programs, 600 projects, 2000 involved applications across 12 countries with a budget of 1.5 billion euro’s. The Architecture team discovered the mismatch between the projects and played a supporting role in bringing the right pieces together. Funny to hear was that they used “speed dating” for the project leaders to bring the questions and answers on the table in sessions of each 20 minutes. For clarifying dependencies, maintaining all the application (interactions) in ARIS and the measurement of progress, Architecture became a success factor within the Bank.

A better opening of this event I could not imagine. In the afternoon there will be interesting customer stories of FrieslandCampina, DFDS/Norfolkline, Generali, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and NL for Business.

At the end of the day we are all educated in social media in a very humoristic way. How? I don’t know because it is a surprise act. I just wanted to share this via my favorite media: ARIS Community!

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